Guide in hand I discovered some plants that were mythical to me. I had read them in books, I had heard them in stories and movies, but I did not know what they looked like. Genciana (Gentiana lutea), for example or rododendro or azalea (Rhododendrom ferrugineum L.). Names of powerful healing resonances that evoked druids, remeieres, shamans and healers alike. But I also discovered other totally new ones for me such as the bàlec (piorno) that gave the environment an intense green aroma, the panical blau (thistle of the port) or the spunyidella (gallium). In summer, a trip to the mountains reminds us of how little we know and how much there is to learn.
During the expedition, the most important thing is to take care of your donkey. When you arrive at your destination, first, ensure a good grass, water and a tree under which he can feel protected. Brush and clean the hoofbeats before and after each day. Only when this is resolved can one rest and take care of his own needs. It’s the least you can do for who carries all your stuff.