Without a doubt, this is the most discret way to take a dive into the olfactory essence of the Empordà and discover which of our interpretations of the landscape best suits your mood at the moment or your personal scent.
Enjoy the properties of their 100% natural ingredients (see uses and properties for each of the LANDSCAPE SCENTS). Very important: shake before use, since they have not been filtered in order to preserve all their natural properties and their complex aromatic richness.
Oak moss / musgo de roble (Evernia prunastri), juniper / enebro de la miera (Juniperus oxycedrus), juniper / enebro rastrero (Juniperus communis subsp. nana), rosemary / romero (Rosmarinus officinalis), mastic / lentisco (Pistacia lentiscus), pine tree / pino blanco (Pinus halepensis), sweet orange / naranja dulce (Citrus sinensis), fennel / hinojo (Foeniculum vulgare), samphire / hinojo marino (Crithmum maritimum), cypress / ciprés (Cupressus), rockroses / jaras (Cistus monspeliensis, Cistus ladanifer), sage / salvia (Salvia officinalis), mint / Menta (Mentha citrata), chamomile / camomila (Chamaemelun nobile), Spanish lavender / cantueso (Lavandula estoechas), lavender / lavanda (Lavandula), immortelle / siempreviva (Helichrysum stoechas)
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